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Home Builders Don't Use Good Paint: Here’s Why

July 5th, 2024 | 3 min. read

By admin

Picture this: you've just signed the papers for your brand-new home, vibrant with fresh paint and shimmering promise. But what if we told you that shimmer might fade faster than you'd think? At Rhino Shield, we've seen many new homeowners face a rude awakening—paint that cracks and dulls far sooner than expected. You might be wondering, "Why does my brand-new home already need a repaint?" or "Isn’t new construction supposed to be low maintenance?" We hear you, and we understand the frustration.


Here at Rhino Shield, we're not just paint experts; we're your ally in ensuring that the excitement of a new home doesn't quickly dissolve into the hassle of unexpected upkeep. This article isn’t for everyone. For those who prefer the short-term gloss over long-term durability, our solutions might not be the ideal choice. But if you value sustained quality, read on to discover why builders often cut corners with paint and how choosing the right coating can save you time, money, and stress down the line.


The Reality of New Home Paint Quality

When you buy a new home, you expect everything to be perfect. However, the truth behind the walls (and on them) is often less than ideal. Mike Moore, our coating expert with decades of experience at Rhino Shield, explains, “Many new homes, particularly those with stucco finishes, show signs of paint degradation much sooner than anticipated. It's not uncommon for these homes to require a repaint just two years after construction. We’re amazed at how many calls we get from homeowners with brand-new homes that already need a new paintjob.”


Why Builders Opt for Lower-Quality Paint

So, why do builders skimp on something as fundamental as paint? Simply put, it's about the bottom line. Using lower-quality paint reduces initial costs and often goes unnoticed—at least until after the sale is complete. For instance, Mike encountered a 2-million-dollar home with a garage door that had been discontinued for years. It was installed not for its quality but because it was cheaply available. This meant that it was impossible to get new parts for it if something broke.


The Short-Term Strategy of Home Builders

The strategy is clear: dazzle buyers with the superficial—like high-tech kitchen gadgets and luxury bathroom fixtures—while neglecting aspects that don't offer immediate visual appeal, such as high-quality paint. This approach prioritizes short-term gains over long-term satisfaction and leaves homeowners dealing with the consequences.


Most people buy new homes for the expected lack of maintenance for at least 10 years. If informed that with other options, they’d have to quickly repaint, they will most likely be fine paying a little more for the home with a paint that is guaranteed to last for 25 years, like Rhino Shield.


The Case for High-Quality Paints Like Rhino Shield

Choosing a high-quality paint like Rhino Shield can dramatically change this narrative. Here’s how:

  • Longevity: Rhino Shield lasts up to five times longer than average paints.
  • Cost-effective: Initially more expensive, the long-term savings in maintenance and repaint costs are significant.
  • Aesthetic and protection: Beyond looking great, it provides superior protection against weathering and wear.


The cheapest time to paint is when you build since there’s nothing in the way and no repairs to be done. This is the best time to put on a coating that will last.


Advice for Home Builders and Buyers

For Builders:

  • Consider the long-term reputation of your builds. Homes known for durability and quality attract more discerning buyers and can command a premium.

For Buyers:

  • Ask about the paint. Inquire specifically about the brand and the type of paint used.
  • Look beyond the surface. Consider features of a home that will ensure its beauty and integrity over time.


Conclusion: Making Informed Choices

At Rhino Shield, we understand that our solution might not be for everyone. For those seeking temporary solutions or who are planning short stays in their homes, traditional paint might suffice. However, for those who envision a long-term home for their families, investing in quality like Rhino Shield can avert the cycle of constant maintenance.


Now, you should feel equipped to ask the right questions and make informed decisions about the paint on your new home. Remember, the true color of a home isn’t just what you see when you first step in—it’s the beauty that lasts through the years.


If you’d like to get a free, no-obligation quote for a Rhino Shield exterior coating, click the button below.